Desert bilute Zserbo

de Criss in Dulciuri, 6 Dec 2021 | 7719 vizualizari


Zilele trecute am vazut  pe facbook aceste bilute Zserbo, postate de Adina Ciocalau si de Bucataresele vesele. Astfel ca mi-a venit ideea sa reciclez biscuiții pe care Daria ii primește la școală și care altfel sunt absolut necomestibili.Au o textura de rumegus presat, dar pentru ca incerc sa evit risipa alimentara si mai ales sa evit aruncarea alimentelor, incerc sa reciclez si sa transform ceva necomestibil in ceva bun. De aceasta data, mi-a reusit perfect. Au rezultat niște biluțe Zserbo, delicioase. Zserbo, pentru ca in esenta contin cam aceleasi ingrediente pe care le contine si prajitura Zserbo. Sigur ca poteti folosi orice fel de biscuiti si rezultatul va fi si mai bun.



  • 125 g biscuiti 
  • 125 g nuca macinata 
  • 2-3 linguri gem de caise 
  • 2 linguri zahar pudra 
  • 120 g ciocolata amaruie 
  • 1 lingura ulei
Portii: 5
Timp de preparare: sub 60 minute

MOD DE PREPARARE RETETA Desert bilute Zserbo:

Macinam biscuitii si nucile. Eu le-am pus in chopper dar biscuitii nu s-au facut atat de fini precum as fi vrut. Am adaugat zaharul pudra si doua linguri gem de caise. Poate e nevoie de inca o lingura de gem, dar pentru inceput nu adaugati mai mult de doua. Amestecam si formam o bila compacta si nu foarte lipicioasa. Din acest amestec formam bilute de marimea unor nuci. Mie mi-au iesit 20 de bucati. Le punem in frigider pentru o jumatate de ora. Intre timp, topim ciocolata pe baie de aburi si adaugam o lingura de ulei, pentru ca bilutele sa fie mai lucioase. Dam fiecare biluta prin ciocolata topita. Putem sa ne ajutam de o lingurita sau de un bat de frigarui. Dupa ce biluta e acoperita cu ciocolata, o punem pe o tava pe care am pus hartie de copt. Dupa ce dam toate bilutele prin ciocolata, punem tava in frigider pentru o jumatate de ora, timp in care ciocolata se va intari. Apoi desprindem bilutele de pe hartie de copt si le gustam. Eu zic ca nu va veti orpi la prima. Sunt delicioase, rapide si usor de facut.

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Sidy 1

06.01.2022, 06:48

Waw...minunata ideea !

dantes 1

06.01.2022, 09:44


adawang 1

20.02.2023, 19:55

Cavaliers vs. Grizzlies prediction, line, odds spread: 2023 NBA

The Cavaliers vs. Grizzlies are set to face off in the 2023 NBA season. According to the SportsLine model, the match between the two teams is projected to go over the total with a combined score of 227 points. However, the Grizzlies have only won one of their last six games and are in second place in the Western Conference, while the Cavaliers have been alternating wins and losses, causing them to drop to fifth place in the Eastern Conference standings. The Cavaliers have only lost 6 games out of 27 when playing at home court, making this a key factor to consider when making predictions. One news you may be interested in. On Feb 4th Friday, the NBA announced punishments for Memphis Grizzlies guard Dillon Brooks and Cleveland Cavaliers guard Donovan Mitchell for their involvement in a Thursday night incident. Brooks received a one-game suspension without pay, while Mitchell was fined $20,000. The incident occurred in the third quarter when Brooks struck Mitchell in the groin area and Mitchell retaliated by throwing the ball at Brooks and shoving him, resulting in both players being ejected from the game. Mitchell accused Brooks of being dirty and referred to past incidents between the two players. Mitchell also expressed his frustration with being ejected, stating that he was defending himself and that he will be appealing the decision. Before his ejection, Mitchell was having a rough night, scoring only 6 points in 22 minutes. He also claimed that the incident was just one example of why the NBA needs to take action to prevent such actions in the game. Overall, the incident has sparked a heated discussion about player conduct and the consequences of such behavior in the NBA. This is also a key factor to consider when making predictions of Cavaliers vs. Grizzlies.


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Prajitura cu ciocolata si crema de iaurt cu visine