Spanacul se decongeleaza (in cazul in care folositi proaspat il spalati si il opariti 5 minute in apa fierbinte cu putina sare). Pasati cu mixerul/blenderul spanacul alaturi de smantana si branza. Se adauga ceapa si sucul de lamaie si se...
Se pun condimentele, uleiul, usturoiul pisat, vinul si apa peste ciocanelele de pui, se amesteca si se lasa intr-un vas acoperit cu ceolofan, bagate la frigider pentru 2 ore. Se scot dupa acest timp din frigider si se pun apoi intr-o tava...
Prima oara se pregateste frisca: 150ml lapte, praful pentru frisca, se bate cu mixerul pana se face tare. Apoi se pregateste crema: laptele ramas, adica 250ml lapte, praful pentru crema, cele 4 linguri de zahar, se bat pana se face crema tare....
Varza alba si rosie se taie in bucati, mai mari sau mai mici, dupa preferinta, gogosari si ei taiati, conopida portionata , castravetii, usturoiul, frunzele si toate celelalte, spalate si curatate, se pun in borcane. Intre timp se fierbe apa...
is an anonymous social networking platform where users can engage in text and video chats with strangers worldwide. It offers a unique way to meet new people and share thoughts without the need for an account. To use Omegle, simply visit the website, choose between text or video chat options, and start conversing with random users. The effects of Omegle can be both positive and negative; it promotes global friendships but can also expose users to inappropriate content or cyberbullying. Overall, it’s a fun way to connect, but users should exercise caution and prioritize their safety while online.
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